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The SONAR Content Distribution Model TM

The ability to leverage natural search is an important part of your online marketing plan. And the ability to promote your company and get increased web presence, leads and sales for little to no cost …well, that’s priceless. 
In order to help maximize website traffic, market exposure, branding and viral buzz, I developed the SONAR Content Distribution Model TM. 


Although I had been leveraging online content for over 10 years and using “guerilla marketing” tactics in interactive forums, blogs, and bulletin boards before it was dubbed “Web 2.0”, I first wrote about SONAR on my blog in June of 2007 and then later in the Early to Rise daily ezine.  Early to Rise is part of powerhouse, Agora Publishing, and I led the online marketing efforts there as Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for over two years. 


SONAR is a cost effective, yet powerful, method of repurposing the 'catalyst content' (i.e. email, enewsletter) and the synchronizing dissemination and distribution (albeit contextual, audio, video) to various, targeted channels.  Remember: this is original content, not duplicate content.


SONAR allows companies, publishers, entrepreneurs … basically anyone with content on their website … the ability to ultimately turn traffic into sales and leads. It's like search marketing, content marketing and social marketing on steroids.


SONAR represents the following online distribution platforms: 
S  Syndicate partners & content syndication networks 
O  Online press & news aggregators
N  Network (social) communities & bookmarking sites 
A  Articles in user generated content sites 
R  Relevant posts to blogs, forums, and message boards 
The most important thing with SONAR is being both a creative and strategic thinker.  Repurposing your content for each audience, knowing where to disseminate it, and how to make others want to read it (or republish!) it.


In my experience, implementing these techniques into your online marketing mix as well as optimizing your website to harness the traffic it will bring (capturing leads and sales) will make a dramatic impact to your web traffic and prospecting efforts. 


Even better, these efforts are all measurable. So you can track your search, PR, and social media campaigns for quantifiable ROI using Google Analytics and other direct response tracking measurements.  Some "SONAR" Case Studies:


  • “We have been very pleased with SONAR since its launch in September 2013. Based on our content and the modeling that was suggested by Wendy Montes de Oca, SONAR has proven to be a high performing strategy that has helped to increase traffic and visibility to our website. In the past we used a variety of advertising mediums to draw traffic to our website, but with SONAR our visits have vastly improved – in fact, on one day we generated the highest number of visits we’ve ever had.”

       ~Rosalie J. Straub, Vice President & COO Sun Chlorella USA

  • For my own consulting business, as part of my weekly marketing efforts, in less than 1 hour per week the SONAR tactics generated up to 25 potential consulting leads per week for FREE!

  • For a popular alternative health website, SONAR helped increase traffic ranking and visits by 3,160% and 81.5% respectively, in only three months.

  • For one professional services publisher, after two weeks of deploying SONAR tactics, website traffic more than doubled for an increase of 128.66%,organic newsletter sign ups increased by 4x, there was a 104% increase in traffic rank, and a 400% increase in organic website sales.

  • For a popular online investment newsletter, in only four short months traffic visits increased by nearly 80% as well as an increase in traffic ranking by nearly 150 percent. Plus, this traffic was monetized for an ROI of 221%.

  • For one alternative health publisher, SONAR has shown the following results in 6 months: List growth of nearly 35%, total revenue growth year-over-year of nearly 50%, total website traffic increase of nearly 110%, and 6 months gross Internet sales of nearly $150K.

  • For a nutritional supplement and newsletter publishing company, SONAR has shown the following results in 10 months: List growth of 5x larger than their initial list size, Internet sales 10x more than the previous 2 years combined, and website traffic rank increase of 1300%.

  • Finally, a few months after implementing new social media and online marketing tactics including SONAR, a well-known freelance copywriter had reported a year-over-year increase of nearly 10,000 new leads.



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Former #1 Amazon best-seller!

Content Is Cash [Que Publishing, Paperback] was an Amazon best-seller for over 10 weeks. On Sept. 26, 2011 it hit #1 best-seller for Internet Marketing books and #13 best-seller in Business & Culture books. It has been reprinted in Japanese.

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