Content & Copywriting Samples
Health/Fitness/Nutrition/Weight Loss
​Note: Below are from published pages. Please watch videos, as I wrote the scripts for the video sales letters (VSLs) as well as the landing page copy.
If clicking below link gives an error message, then please copy and paste the link into your browser window to open page.
- New control VSL lead (0:00 - 3:13) Young, female demographic; blog style.
- New VSL script and created unique mechanism: A2 (anti-aging, anti-fat) Superfoods
- ​ New upsell
- New VSL lead. Facebook control since Nov. 2022 (time 0:26 - 4:38)
- TSL (text sales letter)
VSL Upsell – Mechanism: MetaBlockers, MetaInfluencers - VSL script and prelander page – male version) Mechanism: MH Factor
- VSL script original and lander page. Mechanisms: MetaInfluencers, Supreme Superfoods,
MetaSwitch - VSL script and page copy – for PPC and Facebook cold traffic. Mechanisms:
MetaInfluencers, Supreme Superfoods, MetaSwitch - VSL script tweaked version, prelander. Mechanism: Notorious 4L’s, MetaInfluencers
- VSL script and mini site – Mechanism: MetaBlockers
- VSL script, supplement and page copy. Mechanism: Mega Slender Blend
- Opt in page – winning control
- Opt in page
- Opt in page
Please ask about VShred emails (hard copies available)
Finance & Investing
Please contact for swipe file.
To see my best-selling book, go to
The following are published articles by Wendy Montes de Oca on some of the top marketing and business websites, blogs, and article directories on the Internet. Article topics include search engine marketing and optimization (SEM/SEO), social media (SMO), list building, online PR, media buying, online marketing, organic search, increasing sales, and more! Click on the link to read the blogs.
To read my articles on Ad Week, go to
To read my articles from Early to Rise, go to
To visit my blog, go to
​To follow me on Twitter, go to
acquire-names.html -
view&id=4&Itemid=59 -
your-customers-to-buy-more-posted-by-wendy-montes-de-oca-mba/ -
1970595:Topic:2207 -
wendys-sonar-technique-early-to-rise-newsletter.html -
Attn: Copywriters, marketers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and CEOs...
The B.U.R.N Process To Crafting Copy That’s HOT
A Proven, Streamlined Copy Review Formula
Psst… I have a secret for you that I’ve been doing for years that’s helped me with copy creation, organization and optimization… and hopefully it can help you too… either in its entirety or perhaps blending bits and pieces of it with your own creative process.
In any event, I hope you can take something valuable away from it … especially to the newer writers and marketers.
I like to keep it low key and go under the radar. I don’t do the speaking circuit any more, but have been quietly crushing it for the last decade or so and even wrote a #1 best-selling internet marketing book back in 2015.
I’ve been in direct response for over 20 years and worked hands-on with some of the BIGGEST names in the biz… including legends like these fellas who I like to call the ‘Holy Trinity of DR’…Mark Ford (co-founder Agora Publishing), Martin Weiss (founder Weiss Publishing) and the late, great, Clayton Makepeace.
In my entire career I’ve help collectively generate MILLIONS for consulting clients and former employers including Weiss Research, Agora Publishing, Newsmax Media, Forbes, VShred, Kendago, Hearst Magazines, SlimFast, GE, Chase, American Lantern Press, Sun Chlorella, Aging Defeated/Hyperion Publishing, Svelte, Wellness Research/Dr. Al Sears, Bob Bly, Business Management Daily, Dow Theory Letters, Dr. Jonny Bowden… and many more.
Anyway, my background is strategic marketing, marketing integration, product development and copywriting, hence my tenures as CMO, COO, CRO and Copy chief, amongst other roles.
Over the years, I’ve been using a systematic way to help write and organize copy…
Think of the acronym, ‘B.U.R.N’.
Lemme explain…
B = I start out by creating a list of BULLETS and fascinations about the product, value proposition/USP, target audience, pain points, potential hooks, open loops, attention grabbing alliterations, etc. This will help set up the structure for the rest of the copy development.
U = This is where I jot down things that are UNIQUE… ideas and acronyms for potential mechanisms, hooks, headlines, opening dialog and lead concepts based on Michael Masterson’s (aka Mark Ford) 6 Great Leads: Emotional story, proclamation, big secret, problem/solution, promise and offer. I also use this part of the process to make a list of ‘issums’, that is, frequently used words, phrases, & sayings that are unique to the guru/spokesperson. When I’m digging into this, I typically go through loads of ‘content’ of the guru/spokesperson. It could be Facebook video ads, full VSLs, editorial interviews, contextual emails, media appearances, and more. If it’s someone I’ve never worked with, I’ll also conduct a phone interview to find unique true stories, facts and a flavor of their personality. I try to encapsulate the person behind the name and can really pull their essence into the copy.
Up to this point, I like to think of all this as ‘copy brainstorming’… a free flow of ideas, but structured and with a purpose.
Next comes the most time intensive part of the process…
R = Now I’m ready to dig in further and begin RESEARCH & REFINEMENT about the product, mechanism, audience paint points, problems, concerns and solutions. Many of this I can get from the product’s social media page OR its main competitors. I often scroll down looking at the comments to see what the ‘fans’ and ‘followers’ are saying… what they’re talking about and asking for… current issues they’re dealing with and ideal solutions to fix it. This is also where I will research reputable sources to back up the unique mechanism of problem & solution. This helps with validity and authenticity. I personally don’t like getting too bogged down with clinical or academic stuff. I will cite a reputable, well-known source with a shocking statistic then immediately tie it back to the reader on an emotional level (i.e. fear, vanity, greed, salvation, etc.) keeping the tone conversational. People engage, and later buy, because of an emotional connection, not product ‘specs’. That’s the difference between persuasive copy and collateral copy. When reading persuasive copy, prospects are using their primal brain (not logical brain). One of my mentors used to say, ‘You’re just convincing them to buy something they already want.’ Therefore, I prefer not to muddy the waters by getting too technical and analytical, ‘cause now you’re speaking to a different part of the brain.
N = Last but not least, I take all my brainstorming points above (the B, U and R) and use it to develop the NEW DRAFT COPY, albeit TSL, VSL, ads, email, etc. I reuse, repurpose, expand on and fill in the blanks. After writing the draft copy, I do a read thru aloud for flow, natural pauses and conversational tone. I also try and channel the guru/spokesperson when I’m reading aloud to make sure the copy captures their voice, nuisances and the common ‘issums’ they say naturally. Then I polish it up and present it as first draft.
Using this method, I find that it fuels creativity but also keeps the copy structured and focused. I also realized doing this, I was able to cut my creative time virtually in half without sacrificing quality.
For the copy review process, I combined two methods I used during my Agora years (CUBE and PEER review) for a hybrid feedback process that is productive, collaborative and simplified.
Here’s how this ‘hybrid’ copy review process goes…
1. Reviewers should be a small group of people (4-5 max) including someone from marketing, another copywriter or creative person, the guru/spokesperson, and someone completely disconnect like from Ops (their feedback is usually the most honest and raw).
2. Reviewers go through each section of the script and evaluate based on the following emotions/feelings/energy level by a grade:
C - Confusing
U - Unbelievable/outrageous
B - Boring
E - Excellent
3. As each person reviews a block of copy (aloud OR in a shared doc), they mark the letter (C, U, B or E) in each section, where applicable.
4. If a section of copy is a ‘C’ or ‘U’ or ‘B’, the reviewer indicates a suggestion. Suggestions must be copy specific. No comments or discussions on anything outside of the copy being reviewed. The point is, that if the reviewer is indicating the copy is ‘confusing, unbelievable or boring’, they need to present an alternative idea of what the copy or essence should be.
o Examples: The paragraph is boring, it should include more pain points; The lead has no big idea; Is there a big promise the prospect greatly desires?
5. After the ‘grades’ are assigned, the group has a Zoom call or table reading and goes through entire document by section addressing the grades.
6. The group then decides if any suggestions are ‘better, worse or neutral’ than the current copy. If ‘worse’ or ‘neutral’, the copy stays the same. If ‘better’, the copywriter makes note of the suggestion.
7. Once all ‘better’ suggestions are given to the copywriter, the copywriter decides which suggestions to keep and rewrites the copy accordingly.
I find this copy review process incorporates different ideas and viewpoints, but still leaves the ‘creative control’ to the copywriter.
Please let me know if any of this is helpful. I’m also happy to answer any questions.